Sunday, January 11, 2015

WHO HOLDS THE POWER:EXCERPT(The music teacher gets Flunked)

   IN THE ABSENCE of a tape player or even that of an instrumental cut, both Ivan and his friend improvises. Nikki now plays what is obviously KRS ONE'S "I'm Still Number One." "Go ahead Nikki!" Donnie claps. Ivan takes his place in front of the classroom.

"I want to dedicate this to you Mrs. Wentworth and many others." He announces. "This is for you." Ivan now points to the smiling music teacher.

Madame Wentworth I admire your dedication
Your sophistication, for what it's worth
You're on the west side of the Atlantic now
So welcome to my turf

A true educator, a scholar who put in many years
All the modeling the picture taking
The blood, the sweat and the tears
You claim that you wanna make a difference
We can see that
We have no doubt
But for you to talk down and belittle us
You gotta cut that out
You're turning red
Are you angry?
Like Milli Vanilli
Of course you know it's true
We're human beings
Poor, maybe
Not some animals in a zoo

At this point Mrs. Wentworth is turning red.
Although angry, she also becomes dumbfounded
Meanwhile, the rest of the class is speechless

   As Ivan's peers continue to hear him out despite being shocked, they are still impressed. To assist Nikki who is still playing the piano, the rest of the class began to clap. Ivan on the other hand is just warming up.

You think you're so beautiful
So tough and so cool
You're nothing but the epitome
Of an educated fool
So what you went to Oxford
You live in Forest Glen
You say you're born again
But yet you still sin
You're paid to educate, unify , and regulate
But instead you divide and conquer
Brainwash and miss educate
My main goal as well as my peers here
Is to reach for the stars
Careers that we enjoy
The money, homes and the cars
Heaven or Hell
With or without you we'll still prevail
Don't you have an oven to put your head in?
Or why don't you fry on the third rail

The entire class cheers loudly and applauds Ivan once more.

I promise you
You won't be the first or the last
You're like a wet dream on steroids
Take the stick out yo glass(edited)
It's not about black or white
Upper or Lower class
You tell us to say no to drugs
But you're the main one smoking grass
You keep it up
Trust and believe
Your career will be deceased
Broke and no pension
To redeem yourself, you'll have to see the priest

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