Saturday, November 19, 2016

No Retreat. No Surrender.

    In the wake of last week's election here in the US, for those who voted. Don't feel discouraged. No matter what the enemy tells you. And by the way, it's okay to be angry and pissed off. I certainly was. For those who didn't, let this be a lesson to you. Pity is NOT an option. In other words, don't beat yourself up. At least you now know the importance. Fear is NOT an option. Failure is NOT an option. Also keep in mind regardless of who occupies the White House, God is yet still control. He's still the commander and chief( Although I still pray for a recount.) Not Donald Trump. Not Mike Pence. Not George Soros. Not the Rothschild Brothers, Henry Kissinger, nor the Rockefeller's. Don't give up on your dreams, continue to pursue your goals and just stay the course. Fight harder. Pray harder. Always push back. Don't be bullied. Stay alert. Continue to encourage your children also. We can only push forward. Not back. Fear the Creator and not the Creation. Furthermore, keep in mind that situations including those such these can yet still be subjected to change(at any given moment) regardless of what the press may tell you. Whether it's CNN, FOX NEWS and etc.

   And P.S. other methods in addition to protesting must also be employed.

   We've got serious work to do. Thank You.

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